Synergy Actions
1. Search Documents
This connector action allows third-party consumers to search document images along with their associated indexes existing on a service provider in jXchange.
URL Provide your jXchange base url.
Username Provide your jXchange username credentials.
Password Provide your jXchange password credentials.
InstRtId Provide your jXchange InstRtId.
InstEnv Provide your jXchange InstEnv.
Consumer_Name Provide your jXchange Valid Consumer Name .
Consumer_Product Provide your jXchange Valid Consumer Product
Document_Index_Type Provide the type or classification of the index for the document.
Document_Index_Value Provide the index value for the document.
Document_Filter_Type Provide the filter type.
Max_Records Provide the number of max customer records you want
Following message properties can be used to override the connector properties if provided.
- msg.config.username => Username
- msg.config.url => URL
- msg.config.password => Password
- msg.config.instRtId => InstRtId
- msg.config.instEnv => InstEnv
- msg.config.validConsmName => Consumer_Name
- msg.config.validConsmProd => Consumer_Product
- msg.config.docImgIdxType => Document_Index_Type
- msg.config.docImgIdxValue => Document_Index_Value
- msg.config.docImgFilterType => Document_Filter_Type
- msg.config.maxRec => Max_Records
Sample JSON to override message properties
msg.config = {
"url" : "",
"username" : "",
"password" : "",
"instRtId" : "",
"instEnv" : "" ,
"validConsmName" : "",
"validConsmProd" : "",
"docImgIdxType" : "",
"docImgIdxValue" : "",
"docImgFilterType" : "",
"maxRec" : "",
msg.payload saves the XML response in form of JSon object . You can also use JSonata node for quick evaluation of results.
2. Upload Documents
This connector action allows third-party consumers to upload documents, images etc to a service provider in jXchange.
URL Provide your jXchange base url.
Username Provide your jXchange username credentials.
Password Provide your jXchange password credentials.
InstRtId Provide your jXchange InstRtId.
InstEnv Provide your jXchange InstEnv.
Consumer_Name Provide your jXchange Valid Consumer Name.
Consumer_Prod Provide your jXchange Valid Consumer Product.
Data_Property Pass the msg object containing the document information in json format or SOAP format
is_SOAP Select the checkbox if you want to provide data property in SOAP format
Following message properties can be used to override the connector properties if provided.
- msg.config.url => URL
- msg.config.username => Username
- msg.config.password => Password
- msg.config.instRtId => InstRtId
- msg.config.instEnv => InstEnv
- msg.config.validConsmName => Consumer_Name
- msg.config.validConsmProd => Consumer_Product
- msg.config.dataProperty => Data_Property
- msg.config.is_SOAP => is_SOAP
Sample JSON to override message properties
msg.config = {
"url" : "",
"username" : "",
"password" : "",
"instRtId" : "",
"instEnv" : "",
"validConsmName" : "",
"validConsmProd" : "",
"is_SOAP" : false
Data_Property sample in JSON format
"DocImgInfo": {
"DocName": "Name",
"DocImgAuxDesc": "Description",
"DocImgEffDt": "2018-06-11",
"DocImgDetArray": {
"DocImgDetInfo": {
"DocImg": "base 64 string",
"DocImgSize": 0,
"DocImgProcSeq": 1,
"DocImgFormat": "JPG",
"Ver_1": ""
"DocImgIdxArray": {
"DocImgIdx": [
"DocImgIdxType": "Cabinet",
"DocImgIdxValue": "STATEMENTS",
"Ver_1": ""
"DocImgIdxType": "Type",
"Ver_1": ""
"DocImgIdxType": "Name",
"DocImgIdxValue": "",
"Ver_1": ""
"DocImgIdxType": "Institution",
"DocImgIdxValue": ,
"Ver_1": ""
"DocImgIdxType": "Authority",
"DocImgIdxValue": ,
"Ver_1": ""
"DocImgIdxName": "TAX ID",
"DocImgIdxType": "Index",
"DocImgIdxValue": ,
"Ver_1": ""
"DocImgIdxName": "ACCOUNT NUMBER",
"DocImgIdxType": "Index",
"DocImgIdxName": "NAME",
"DocImgIdxType": "Index",
"DocImgIdxValue": ""
"Ver_1": ""
Data_Property sample in SOAP format
<DocImg Rstr=""></DocImg>
<DocImgIdxValue JHANull="" Rstr=""></DocImgIdxValue>
<DocImgIdxValue JHANull="" Rstr=""> STATEMENTS</DocImgIdxValue>
<!-- name, institution, and authority are set to default if not set -->
<DocImgIdxValue JHANull="" Rstr=""></DocImgIdxValue>
<DocImgIdxValue JHANull="" Rstr=""></DocImgIdxValue>
<DocImgIdxValue JHANull="" Rstr=""></DocImgIdxValue>
<!-- AccountNumber or TaxId -->
<DocImgIdxName>TAX ID</DocImgIdxName>
<DocImgIdxValue JHANull="" Rstr=""></DocImgIdxValue>
<DocImgIdxName>ACCOUNT NUMBER</DocImgIdxName>
msg.payload saves the XML response in form of json object . You can also use Jsonata node for quick evaluation of results.
For more information regarding jXchange service gateway visit here